Support Centre


I haven't got the password yet!  ‰ä还–v—L“¾“ž–§码I
Please just wait. We email you your password in 12 hours. Did you check your junk mail folder?
请âcŒóB‰ä们«Ý 12 ¬时“à’Ê过电Žq邮ŒŒü您发‘—–§码B您检查垃圾邮Œ•¶Œ夹—¹吗H

I can't log in!  ‰äÙ–@“o录I
Just type it correctly. If you still can't log in, contact us.

Shit! I've purchased twice by mistake!  妈“I ‰ä›ß经买—¹两ŽŸ—¹I
Don't worry, just wait for 24 hours. We will automatically refund in 24 hours. You don't have to contact us.
别’SSC‘üŽù“™‘Ò 24 ¬时B‰ä们«Ý 24 ¬时“àŽ©动‘ÞŠ¼B您ÙŽù联Œn‰ä们B

Some videos on HunkTube do not play!  HunkTubeã“I–^±视频Ù–@”d•úI
HunkTube videos are those uploaded by external uploaders. They sometimes delete their videos.
HunkTube 视频—RŠO•”ã传ŽÒã传B‘¼们—L时‰ï删œŽ©ŒÈ“I视频B

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